For the Werther project, Design Works GmbH was faced with the exciting task of producing a large set for two venues with almost opposite requirements for gaming operations. There are always narrow time slots available for the repertoire operation in order to switch between the decorations. (See pictures)
Each theater differs in terms of access and transport logistics, among other things. For the Opera Bastille in Paris, the decoration can be firmly screwed onto a stage trolley and driven onto the stage in one piece. In the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, the decoration must be able to be dismantled into three carriages and driven to the side or back stage. For this purpose, a pneumatic system was designed that can lift the 3-story trolleys using compressed air. In the Opera Bastille, a steel construction was developed that had to have 3 upper floors with 2 accessible balcony floors, as well as being light enough to be able to slide onto the stage on the stage car in Paris.